Paris Saint-Germain is preparing an offer for João Neves, the promising midfielder from Benfica. The club has made him their midfield priority this summer.

According to A Bola, PSG has already made contact with Benfica to discuss the terms of a potential transfer. Benfica, fully aware of João Neves’ value, is demanding a fee close to 100 million euros, potentially even 120 million euros, matching his release clause. Despite this financial hurdle, PSG appears determined to strengthen their midfield with this young talent.

PSG Unwilling to Pay 100 Million

João Neves has become a priority for PSG’s coach Luis Enrique to energize the Parisian midfield. However, negotiations are proving challenging. Although both parties have recently engaged, the main obstacle remains the high price set by Benfica. PSG, as reported by journalist Ben Jacobs, is prepared to offer up to 75 million euros for João Neves, significantly below the 100 million euros requested.

A Priority for PSG

According to RMC Sport, the player is PSG’s top priority. Discussions with Benfica are ongoing, and PSG hopes to persuade the Portuguese club to lower their financial demands or find a way to finance this ambitious transfer.

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