Recent developments in the Rayan Cherki transfer saga indicate a potential hurdle involving PSG President Nasser al-Khelaïfi.

PSG has reportedly made a €15 million offer for Rayan Cherki from Lyon, but negotiations have hit a snag over Lyon’s request for a future resale percentage. PSG is hesitant to agree due to Cherki’s contract with Lyon running until 2025, despite Lyon’s near necessity to sell.

Adding to the complications, Foot Mercato reports that PSG President Nasser al-Khelaïfi may not be keen on acquiring Cherki, in contrast to PSG’s Sporting Advisor Luis Campos and coach Luis Enrique, who recently held a video call with the player.

“Nasser is not really keen for various reasons, so we’ll see,” mentioned X Santi Aouna, a journalist at Foot Mercato.

The situation remains fluid as PSG navigates internal discussions and external negotiations, impacting the potential transfer of the promising young talent.

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