Since June 15, Kylian Mbappé had not spoken in a press conference. He returned this Friday with a clear message: he is just the captain.

“The French team is not the Mbappé team.” The captain of the French national team wanted to emphasize this for his first statement in many months. “The last time I spoke was in June, and I announced from my first statement that I would not attend all press conferences.”

“I had said that I was not Antoine’s superior, and he did the next three press conferences. After that, we left the door open to others. It is a desire to share leadership. I am not afraid to come here, but the French team is not my team.”

“There are many faces I have already seen in press conferences. I have never been someone who hides or is afraid of something. I have always assumed. (In June) I sent my letter, I came a week later to Gibraltar. Out of eleven questions, I had nine questions about PSG, one about the Olympic Games, and one about the Gibraltar match because I asked for it. I am not afraid to come here. The French team is not my team. It belongs to no one; we are all in the service of this team. There are several leaders, I am one of them, and that’s why I am here today (Friday).”

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