Jérôme Rothen, former player of PSG (2004-2011), stated on RMC Sport that the arrival of Lucas Hernandez at PSG is not good news.

The CUP promises hell to Marseille player Lucas Hernandez. Jérôme Rothen seems to agree. Too much of a Marseille fan for PSG? “I assume that you have the right to feel, and it’s normal since he was born in Marseille, love for OM. But then, he wasn’t obligated to say what he said a few years ago. Because his career plan didn’t involve PSG…”

“The words are strong, and they can’t be viewed differently now because he wants to come to PSG. You’re in love with OM, which in reality is with PSG, and you know it very well. (…) He has the right to say whatever he wants, but he must stand by his words until the end. If you follow through, you don’t sign with PSG.”

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